The Joye EX coil is design for Exceed atomizer. The 1.2ohm coil is for MTL vaping under 8 - 15W, while the gold-plated 0.5ohm coil is for DL vaping under 20 - 35W.
Parameters: • EX 1.2ohm MTL head (8 - 15W) • EX 0.5ohm DL head (20 - 35W)
Tips: - It's for Exceed D22 Tank. - Please drip a few drops e-liquid into the head and inhale a few times in power-off condition before its first use to avoid dry burn. - Please don't wash the head with water. Simply scrub it with cotton or clean dry cloth.
Otpor 1,5 Ohma za snagu 14-22W
"U-Tech" tehnologija - para prolazi dvaput kroz komoru U oblika prije inhalacije
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Aspire Clapton Replacement Coil, is for Aspire Triton / Triton 2. It provides more surface area compared to standard coil designs, which results in greater vapor production and better flavor.
• Resistance: 0.5ohm (rated at 40-45 watts)
• Diameter - 0.4mm
• Spacing: 6.2mm
- It works with Aspire Triton / Triton 2.
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Grijač je kompatibilan sa ASPIRE CLEITO i CLEITO EXO atomizerom. NIJE kompatibilan sa CLEITO 120 atomizerom. CLAPTON!!!!
Otpor 0,16 Ohma
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