Home » Terms and conditions of use

Under these Terms of Sale, Medicpro d.o.o. (hereinafter the Seller) defines the conditions, rights, and obligations between the Seller and the Buyer when buying/selling merchandise in the entire process which includes ordering, payment, shipping, delivery, and possible returns and complaints of merchandise or termination of contracts for merchandise purchased via the Seller’s online store.

Data of the company Medicpro d.o.o.:

Full name: Medicpro d.o.o. for the sale of medical products.

Headquarters: Carinarski odvojak 4, 40 000 Čakovec.

Phone: 040 314 407.

E-mail: info@medicpro.hr; prodaja@medicpro.hr

Persons authorized for representation: Draško Jambrečić – director

The company is registered at the commercial court in Varaždin under number 0001 Tt-08/1574-2.

Basic capital: €2,654.46

Paid-in capital: €2,654.46

MBS: 070085739.

OIB: 87488264639.

MB: 2425955.

All provisions of the Terms of Business, together with the entire offer of items on Seller’s web page, notifications listed in the “Payment methods” section, “Delivery” and online formed order via the Internet from the web page (from Buyer’s side) and offer formed from Seller (in the same way) represent a written prior notice to the customer in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act.

A Buyer is meant as any legal or natural person who, in accordance with all the above conditions and instructions, orders at least one product online, fills out a form for online order and sends it to the Seller, and is not a minor or a person with partially legal abilities.


We do not sell nicotine shot solutions to people under 18. By executing the order, the Buyer confirms that he or she is not under 18.

The goods are considered ordered the moment the Buyer selects the goods and confirms the method of payment that the seller’s online store allows.

After the Buyer confirms the order and makes the agreed payment based on the final seller’s offer, the order is considered final and the seller acts with the delivery of goods in accordance with the agreed arrangement.

The final seller’s offer on the basis of which the Buyer makes the payment is a confirmation of prior notice in terms of the Consumer Protection Act.

Below is described an easy way to order online, while during our working hours you can always make an order by phone, fax, or email.

When you decide to buy an item, click on the check mark icon to add the item to the cart.

When you are happy with the selection of one or more items, open the cart by clicking the shopping cart icon located in the upper right corner.

By clicking on the “Cart” button, you can get to your cart where you can change quantities, delete or cancel selections, add delivery addresses, and choose the delivery and payment method. By clicking on “Go to Payment” you are proceeding to the next step of confirming your purchase.

By clicking “Order” you are completing the purchase process and your order is received.

Expect your order confirmation by email or phone.

The order cannot be processed if you are not logged in (and previously registered).

If you need help or additional information, you can call us on weekdays from 8.00 am till 4.00 pm. Our staff will be happy to help and guide you.

Before placing an order, the Buyer is obliged to check the legality in the country of delivery for each ordered item. In the event of items being seized, for any reason, by authorities of the country where the item(s) were delivered, we are not obliged to reimburse the cost of the seized item(s).


Delivery due is 1-3 working days for the Republic of Croatia and for Slovenia, or 3-9 working days for other countries.

For the delivery due to merchandise that is not in stock, the Buyer will be contacted. If the requested merchandise is not currently in stock, the Buyer will be offered equivalent merchandise, if in this case, they exist.

The Seller will deliver the merchandise to the Buyer in accordance with the confirmed order (his final offer – confirmation of prior notice) which he gave to the Buyer after the Buyer made a payment.

The Buyer becomes the merchandise Owner after making full payment for the merchandise and delivery costs and after signing the documents on taking over the merchandise.

If the merchandise for the Buyer (legal entity) is taken over by the service/individual at Buyer’s warehouse address, information sent via email to the Seller about the service/individual is considered to have been issued by the Buyer’s power of attorney and the service/individual specified in the power of attorney can take over the merchandise.

Authorized service/individual with a stamp and a signature stating the number of the identification document of the transferee confirms the collection of merchandise on the invoice of the Seller or the Carrier.

The Buyer/authorized person with his signature confirms the quantity of merchandise, the integrity of the package, and the integrity of the product itself, all according to the text on the delivery note. If the transferee notches damages or shortages, the Seller should be notified before signing the invoice and then proceed with the Seller’s instructions.

After signing the invoice and/or other shipping documents without any objections, the Buyer fully takes over the risk of possible damage to the product and therefore cannot point out subsequently determining damages to the Seller unless they are of such nature that they could not normally be determined when unpacking the product.

The Buyer is obliged to report that kind of damage to the Seller without any delay, and certainly before the start of using that product and within 3 days from receipt of the product.

For the merchandise which the Seller sends to the Buyer via delivery service specified by the Buyer, the risk of damage and/or shortage of merchandise, ie non-delivery of the entire shipment, transfers to the Buyer when his delivery service signs that they took over the merchandise according to the specification and in the undamaged package. The Buyer is obliged to immediately and without delay notify the Seller of the defective delivery, damage, or non-delivery. The Seller will provide all possible assistance to the Buyer to realize his right to collect damages from his engaged delivery service (by submitting documentation of collection from which it is visible quantity and condition of the merchandise submitted for delivery).

If the Buyer doesn’t take over the registered shipment within 7 (seven) days from the date of the notification about the takeover, the shipment will be returned to the Seller.

If the Buyer doesn’t take over the sent merchandise without any justified reasons and it has to be returned to the Seller, the Seller keeps the right to charge additional real costs of failed delivery.

In case of a justified complaint, and inability to deliver the same item, the Seller will offer the Buyer a replacement product, and if the Buyer does not accept it, the Seller will immediately return the entire amount received from the Buyer on the transaction account.


The seller is responsible for the material defects of the things that he had at the time of the transfer of risk to the buyer, regardless of whether he was aware of this. The seller is also responsible for those material defects that appear after the transfer of risk to the buyer if they are the result of a cause that existed before that.

It is assumed that any defect in the item that was demonstrated within one year from the moment of transfer of risk existed at the moment of transfer of risk, unless the seller proves otherwise or the contrary arises from the nature of the item or the nature of the defect.

A material defect exists when the item does not correspond to the description, quantity, type and quality, i.e. lacks functionality, compatibility and other features as determined by the sales contract. If the thing is not suitable for any special purpose for which the buyer needs it and with which the buyer has informed the seller at the latest at the time of concluding the contract and in relation to which the seller has given his consent. If the item is not supplied with all accessories and instructions.

The seller is not responsible for defects if they were known to the buyer at the time of the contract or could not remain unknown to him. But the seller is also responsible for defects that the buyer could have easily noticed if he stated that the thing has no defects or that the thing has certain properties or characteristics.

When, upon receipt of the item by the buyer, it turns out that the item has a defect that could not be detected by a normal inspection when taking over the item, the buyer is obliged, under threat of loss of rights, to notify the seller of this defect within 2 months from the day it was discovered deficiency, and in the case of a commercial contract without delay.

The seller is not responsible for hidden defects that become apparent after 2 years have passed since the item was handed over. The buyer does not lose the right to refer to a defect even if he has not fulfilled his obligation to inspect the matter without delay and to notify the seller within a certain period of time about the existence of the defect, and also when the defect becomes apparent only after two years have passed, if this defect was known to the seller or he could not remain unknown to him.

By signature, the buyer/authorized person confirms the quantity of goods received, the undamaged packaging and the undamaged product itself, all according to the text on the delivery note. If the buyer notices damage or a shortage of goods, he should contact the Seller before signing the delivery note and follow the Seller’s instructions. The buyer is obliged to report any damages found in this way to the Seller without delay, and certainly before starting to use the product and within 8 days of receiving the product.

For goods sent by the Seller by the delivery service specified by the buyer, the risk of damage and/or lack of goods, i.e. non-delivery of the entire shipment, passes to the buyer at the time of the signature of his delivery service that he has received the goods according to the specification and in undamaged packaging. The buyer is obliged to immediately and without delay, and no later than within 8 days of receiving the goods, inform the seller about defective delivery, damage or non-delivery. The seller will provide all possible assistance to the buyer to realize his right to collect damages from his engaged delivery service (by delivering documentation on the takeover that shows the quantity and condition of the goods delivered for delivery).

If the buyer does not pick up the registered shipment within 7 (seven) days from the date of notification of pickup, the shipment is returned to the Seller.

If the buyer does not take delivery of the sent goods without a valid reason and they are returned to the Seller, the Seller reserves the right to charge additional costs for the failed delivery.

In case of a justified complaint, and in the impossibility of delivering the same article, the Seller will offer the customer a replacement product. If the buyer does not accept it, the Seller will immediately return the entire received amount that the buyer paid to the Seller to the transaction account.


The Seller and the Buyer, by mutual acceptance of the order, offer and payment of goods in full by the Buyer concluded a contract of sale consisting of an invoice issued by the Seller with all the elements provided by law and these Terms of Sale.

In case of disagreement, the Seller and the Buyer will primarily try to resolve the problem by mutual agreement, and if this is not possible, the jurisdiction of the court is determined in accordance with the location of the Seller.

The European platform for online dispute resolution is a platform of the European Commission that enables the resolution of disputes related to purchases at home and abroad. The platform can be accessed via the following link: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=EN.


Pursuant to Article 79 of the Consumer Protection Act, the customer has the right, without giving any reasons, to unilaterally terminate a contract concluded outside the business premises or a contract concluded online within 14 days.

In the case of concluding a contract of sale, the period for termination of the contract begins to run from the day the Buyer or a third party that is designated by the Buyer, other than the carrier, when the goods that are the subject of the contract is handed over.

Unless the Seller has offered to take over the goods returned by the customer, the Buyer must return the goods without delay, and no later than 14 days after notifying the Seller of his decision to terminate the contract.

If the Buyer decides to terminate the contract unilaterally, he or she is obliged (according the Article 81 of the Consumer Protection Act) to inform the Seller of his or her decision to terminate the contract through a form for unilateral termination of the contract or any other unequivocal statement expressing his or her will to terminate the contract. Please sent the decision for unilateral termination of the contract by email (support@juicedoctor.eu).

The Buyer must bear only the direct costs of returning goods, unless the Seller has agreed to bear those costs or if the Seller has failed to inform the Buyer that they are obliged to bear those costs.

In the event of a Buyer returning a product that is open (packaging, bottle) or not originally closed, the return of goods and money is not possible.

The buyer is responsible for any decrease in the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods, except for that which was necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.

The Buyer agrees that the Seller may cancel the sales contract at any time due to an incorrectly stated price, or unavailability of the product based on information that the Seller did not have at the time of creating the order.


Juicedoctor cannot be held responsible for any health problems or issues that affect any of its customers.

The relationship between the customer and Juicedoctor, for and as a result of an order of products, is governed by Croatian law. Any contract of sale concluded between the customer and Juicedoctor for the product(s) shall be deemed to have been concluded in Croatia.

In the event that the Customer:

-resides outside of Croatia,

-and/or the Products are to be shipped outside of Croatia,

-and/or the Products are to be resold outside of Croatia,

-and/or the Products are to be used in a commercial activity outside of Croatia,

the Customer must verify the conformity of the Products with the law applicable in the relevant territory.

Juicedoctor is not liable in case of non-conformity of the products purchased by the customer with any regulation other than the one in force on the Croatian territory.

JuiceDoctor does not issue refunds for orders whose delivery has been suspended by the competent authorities in the customer’s country.

The Customer agrees to fully indemnify, defend, warrant and hold Juicedoctor harmless from and against any and all costs, fines, legal and arbitration proceedings, claims, losses, liabilities or actions, as well as any and all damages arising in any way from the non-conformity of the products purchased by the customer with any other regulation and/or law applicable in any territory outside Croatia, due to the marketing of the products by the customer outside Croatia or for use outside Croatia.


Pursuant to Article 86 of the Consumer Protection Act, the Buyer may not request termination of the contract for goods made to the Buyer’s specification or clearly adapted to the Buyer, sealed goods that are not suitable for return due to health or hygiene reasons if unsealed after delivery.

The Buyer cannot return the product and/or request the termination of the contract if the product has been damaged, or caused by improper handling, contrary to the manufacturer’s instructions, has functional damage, or is destructed.

The Buyer cannot return the product and request termination of the contract if the product is a medium on which the software or some of the electronic games are implemented, and the product is not in the original unpacked packaging. The Buyer may not request the termination of the contract after the deadline provided in these Terms and Conditions for termination of the contract.


In addition to certain ordered goods, the Seller submits to the Buyer a warranty card from the manufacturer or importer, which guarantees the proper functioning of the device if used in accordance with the instructions and characteristics of the device and the period within which t ensures servicing and sale of spare parts.

If, when putting the device into operation, the Buyer determines that it doesn’t work properly, he must immediately notify the Seller who will immediately provide authorized service (in accordance with warranty conditions) to check the correctness of the device and troubleshooting. If the authorized service center finds a fault that cannot be rectified or that requires intervention on the device that the Buyer doesn’t want to accept, the Seller will agree with the manufacturer/importer to replace the device with a new one. The cost of transporting the device is recognized to the Buyer in accordance with the warranty conditions.

Some manufacturers and importers put their warranty/guarantee statements inside the packaging or the product itself, which is then sealed or packed, the so-called. „blister packaging“. For these products, the Seller doesn’t certify the guarantees/guarantee sheers before delivery of the goods, but they are valid upon presentation of the certified invoice received by the Buyer from the Seller.

The Buyer can provide the Seller with an uncertified warranty statement and it will be certified and retired to the Buyer without delay. The Buyer is obliged to keep the certified warranty card and the original invoice of the Seller because he or she exercises his or her rights based on them.


The Buyer has the right to return the goods in the following cases:

– if the goods that have not been ordered were delivered

– if the goods that have a defect ie. are not correct were delivered

The request for a refund must be submitted by the Buyer within 14 days of purchasing the product, after which the conditions agreed upon in the issuance of the invoice and the guarantee received at the time of purchase apply. The warranty card is issued by an authorized distributor and the Buyer is responsible for verifying that he or she has received it certified and correct with the purchased goods and invoice at the time of collection. If the Buyer notices that he or she has lost or hasn’t received a guarantee certificate, he or she is obliged to report the same within 7 days so that the Seller can try to obtain a copy of the guarantee certificate from the guarantor.

Before fulfilling the request for a refund, the Seller must obtain confirmation from the authorized service that the product is defective or this must be proved in another objective way by an authorized entity. Refund only on the basis of a request without documentation confirming the defect is not possible, as it often happens that the product doesn’t work properly due to incorrect handling or ignorance of handling.

Items returned by the Buyer must be complete, in original packaging with all associated parts, accessories and documentation. The Buyer returns the products to the address: Medicpro d.o.o., Carinarski odvojak 4, 40000 Čakovec.

If the product is correct and there are no defects, but the Buyer subsequently concluded that he or she doesn’t like the product, the Buyer has no right to return or replace the product if it was returned after 14 days within which he or she is entitled to unilateral termination of the contract. This is regulated to protect other customers and buyers who would later receive the used product. Eventually, a refund may be agreed with the impairment of the product, so that it can be sold on sale with an indication that it has been used. This is possible only if the Seller concludes that the product can be further offered as used, without infringing the rights of the prospective Buyer, and if the Buyer agrees to the impaired value that he or she will receive back.


In accordance with Art. 10 para. 1 of the Consumer Protection Act, we inform consumers that they can submit a complaint expressing their dissatisfaction with the purchased product or service in writing to one of the following addresses:
Medicpro d.o.o.
Carinarski odvojak 4
40 000 Čakovec
or to an e-mail adress: support@juicedoctor.eu or telefax number: 040/314-406.

You can download the form for a written consumer complaints to the trader/service provider here.

We will without any delay acknowledge written receipt of the complaint. We will respond to your complaint in writing, no more than 15 days from the date we receive your complaint. Please be sure to include your name and address or email address where we can deliver our response to your complaint.


The images are informative and do not necessarily correspond to actual products.


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